Thursday, September 24, 2009

Learn about Coffee in Torino, Italy. For Travelers and Vistors coming to Italy

Torino, Italy Bicerin Is More Than Just Coffee

Torino, Italy has great wine, delicious chocolate and a coffee drink that is guaranteed to warm your soul on a cold winter night. The Bicerin is a heavenly combination of hot cocoa, espresso and cream layered in a small glass. The coffee is sipped through the cream creating a rich experience.

Bicerin (pronounced bee-cheh-REEN) is dialect for little glass. This coffee drink is a staple of Torino, Italy's centuries old coffee culture. The Bicerin gained popularity in the mid-1800's and counted Alexander Dumas, the author of the Three Muskateers among its fans.

Although you can order a Bicerin in almost any cafè in Torino, Italy many believe that the best is served at Al Bicerin a shop that dates from 1763 in the Piazza della Consolata. Up to 300 cups may be served in a single day. he Bicerin developed from the Bavareisa a drink popular in the 17th century made with milk, coffee, chocolate and syrup. A Bicerin is made with a shot of espresso, followed by a layer of liquid chocolate ending with top cream that has been whipped slightly so that it floats. The drink is served very hot.

A Bicerin is not the only coffee drink to be enjoyed in Torino, Italy. If you want to say you have had grappa and are not a fan of the drink have a “Caffè Corretto” which is usually made with espresso and grappa. If on the other hand, you enjoy grappa try an “Amazza Caffè”. A cup of espresso is served with a grappa chaser.

When you are in Torino, Italy stop in at one of the grand cafés, with their marble counter tops, crystal chandeliers, baroque décor and tuxedoed waiters and enjoy a drink that has been around for hundreds of years.

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